8 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Kompetensi Inti Industri Daerah Kabupaten Tojo Una-una Sulawesi Tengah

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    This research assesment about strategy of core competence development industryTojo Regency Una-Una in Sulawesi Middle of.This research in background overshadow that industry competitive ability in areadetermined by correct strategy for development of industry nucleus interest area.Method that conducted to determine IKM considered superior that is documentanalysis and interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Interview is conductedto effort perpetrator, and parties relates for example on duty industry andcommerce, and Bapeda. Criterion that used by to determine IKM exeeding iscontribution to economics, labour absorbtion, local raw material support andsupport of government policy. Method of analysis that used is TEV (Tree diagramexpected vakue), Focused group discusion, value chain analysis, analysis SWOTand strategy compilation development of area core competence.Based on research result found that there is five products/commodity competitivethat is, furniture, workshop, brick, ready made clothes and food (cake). Based onfive this excellent products, then furniture is product priority/commodity thatdeveloped. Based on value chain analysis, then activity that must paid attention isat process step finishing. In consequence, required high labour skill in course offinishing or attenuation. With skillful labour can improve added value of furnitureindustry Tojo Regency Una-Una Sulawesi Middle.Keyword : Strategy, Development Industry, Core Competenc

    Analysis of the Influence of Competence, Training and Compensation on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable on the Fire and Emergency Services Team in Mining Work Area PT Vale Ind Tbk

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    Human role as a resource in the organization is increasingly believed in its importance, thus increasingly encouraging the development of knowledge about how to utilize human resources in order to achieve optimal conditions. This study aims to determine the influence of competence, training and compensation jointly and partially to Job Satisfaction. In addition, we also jointly examine the influence of competence, training and compensation on the performance of Fire and Emergency Services employees of PT VALE Indonesia, Tbk. This study was conducted by taking as many as 55 respondents who also used as sample research with the distribution of respondents by age, last education level, gender, position in the job. Data collection is done through interview technique in the beginning of data collection and questionnaires or questionnaires distributed to the respondents used as data in data processing research. Data were analyzed by using Path Analysis (Path Analysis). The result of the research shows that the competence variable has a direct and significant effect on the performance of Fire and Emergency Services employees of PT VALE Ind, Tbk with coefficient value of 0,397. Training and compensation have direct and positive impact on job satisfaction with coefficient value of 0,325 and 0,494. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there are some other factors that influence the variable of job satisfaction and employee performance, but not described in this case

    Kajian Ekonomi Program Longgar Di Makassar (Study on Economic Benefit of Longgar Program in Makassar)

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    The purpose of this research are; (1) To identify the community's response to the Lorong Garden (Longgar) program in Makassar; (2) Analyze the economic benefits of the Longgar program in Makassar, especially in improving the welfare of the community; (3) Formulate development strategy of Longgar program in Makassar City. Location of this study will be conducted in Makassar City. The population of this research is all groups of Kelompok Wanita Tani in Makassar City. The activity of this study in the data collection using observation approach and questionnaire. The collected data is then edited, tabulated, and verified first. The data analysis methods used in this study consist of: (1) Descriptive analysis and, (2) T-statistical analysis of paired t tests. The result of the research shows that the perception of society on the garden garden program is positive and high. From the results of questionnaires distributed to the respondents it can be seen that the level of knowledge, objectives, benefits and community support for the Lorong Garden program is high. The community accessed information about Lorong Garden from the socialization activities by the Penyuluh from Badan Ketahanan Pangan and was very supportive for the competition between Lorong Garden with comprehensive criteria. The results also show the economic benefits of the Lorong Garden Program which increases with time. The paired-sample t test results show significant difference in KWT revenues between 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 and that income tends to increase with time

    The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment in Improving Employee Performance

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    The university is one of the containers, where the provision of service facilities and provide human resource capacity to the identical community of various sciences. This study aims to determine to know the influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment in improving job performance Employees consisting of permanent and non permanent lecturer at Unpad Unpad Dili Timor-Leste. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach is based on the approach done by recording and analyzing the data of the research results by using statistical calculations supported by literature study and data collection tool in the form of questionnaires distributed to permanent and non permanent lecturers at Unpad Unpad Dili Timor-Leste. The results showed that partially organizational culture, positive and significant effect on employee performance, leadership style has a positive and significant impact on employee performance, as well as organizational commitment have a positive and significant impact on employee performance


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    Kebijakasanaan pemerintah berupa deregulasi dan debiroktratisasi, menimbulkan perusahaan berlomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan usahanya, terutama perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah memasyarakatkan sahamnya di pasar modal. Dalam meningkatkan usaha harus didukung dengan struktur permodalan yang diharapkan tidak menganggu kondisi keuangan perusahaan, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kontribusi beberapa variabel seperti (1) capital output ratio. (2) profit margin, (3) dividend payout ratio, dan (4) debt to equity ratio terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang seimbang. Di samping itu juga ingin mengetahui mana dari keempat faktor tersebut di atas yang leblh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang seimbang. Penelitian ini mengguakan data primner dan sekunder terhadap 55 perusahaanl yang telah memasyarakatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta untuk tahun 1992 dan 1993, Setalah dilakukan pengujian dengan mengsunakan analisis diskriminan (Discriminant Analysis), hasil analisis menunjukkan 1. Rasio keuangan berupa capital output, profit margin dan debt to equity berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang seimbang dan masing-masing variabel mempunyai kontribusi yang sangat signifikan. Dan di antara rasio keuangan tersebut. rasio debt to equity lebih dominan kontribusinya terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang seimbang pada tahun 1992. 2. Rasia keuangan berupa capital output. dan debt to equity berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang tinggi dan masing-masing variabel mempunyai kontribusi yang sangat signifikan. Dan diantara rasio keuangan tersebut. rasio debt to equity lebih dominan kontribusinya terhadap pertumbuhan usaha yang tinggi pada tahun 1992

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Restoran Menggunakan Analisis Swot dan Qspm (Quantitatif Strategic Planning) di Restoran La Pizza Makassar

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    Strategi penting dalam pelaku bisnis karena merupakan bagian dari kegiatan yang dirancang dalam menjalankan aktivitas kegiatan bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan restoran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yang dilakukan pada Restoran La Pizza  diperoleh beberapa hal yang paling mempengaruhi usaha restoran. Dari faktor internal, kekuatan utama yang dimiliki restoran adalah cita rasa dan kualitas yang baik khas Italian pizza sedangkan kelemahan utama dari restoran adalah harga yang relative mahal. Untuk faktor eksternal yang menjadi peluang utama bagi restoran adalah meningkatnya pendapatan dan daya beli masyarakat serta ancaman terbesar bagi restoran tingkat persaingan antar industri restoran tinggi. Strategi yang tepat digunakan pada posisi ini adalah strategi intensif (penetrasi pasar,pengembangan produk). Hasil analisis matriks SWOT didapatkan lima alternative strategi, yaitu : (1) Pengembangan produk pizza dengan cita rasa local, (2) Membuat menu makanan dan minuman yang bervariasi, (3) Penetrasi Pasar dengan promosi menggunakan social media, (4) Membentuk Tenaga Pemasaran dan membuat sertifikat halal dari MUI dan BPOM, (5) Memberikan diskon dan potongan harga yang menarik. Berdasarkan analisis QSPM, alternative strategi yang tepat dan dapat dilakukan oleh pihak Restoran La Pizza  secara berurutan adalah (1) Membuat menu makanan dan minuman yang bervariasi (STAS : 9,37 ) , (2) Pengembangan produk pizza dengan cita rasa local (STAS : 7,94),  (3) membentuk tenaga pemasaran dan membuat sertifikat halal dari MUI dan BPOM (STAS : 5,16), (4) penetrasi pasar dengan promosi menggunakan social media (STAS : 5,10) (5) memberikan diskon dan potongan harga yang menarik (STAS : 4,92 )